Friday, October 5, 2018

Hello September blog tag!

 Hello everyone!  A few days ago we were tagged by Jonathan at "The second brother" for the "Hello September blog tag."  We know that September is over, but all the questions are fall related, so it doesn't really matter what month it is. (As long as it's the fall season)


       The rules:
>Please copy these questions (below) answer them, and then write out new questions (or just copy these) for the people you nominate below your answered questions.

> Nominate 3 bloggers

> lastly, include these guidelines in your post, and use the tag picture.

Let's begin!

Windy or rainy autumn?

June: I really like windy fall days!
Jose: You can't beat the feel of wind in your face!

What's one thing that makes it feel like fall to you?

June: When the leaves change color, and gets really windy. 
 Jose: When there's leaves everywhere.

Tea or coffee?

June: Definitely coffee! I can't get enough!!!!
Jose: I'm not big coffee fan, but when you put pumpkin creamer in it, IT'S AWESOME! 

If you could go to one state in the U.S.A just for autumn  scenery, where would you go?

June: I don't really know. 
Jose:  me neither. I've never really wanted to go somewhere just for scenery.

Do you like pumpkin flavored stuff? If so, what's your favorite thing?

June: Homemade pumpkin bread! Boy is that good! 
Jose: Hmmmm... They're both good, I can't decide!!!!

What color of leaves do you like best?

June: Red. My favorite color.
Jose: Red.

If you could go to another country just for autumn scenery, where would you go?

June: Hmmmm... Maybe New Zealand.
Jose: Yeah. New Zealand would be pretty nice.

Sweater or Hoodie?

June: I just got rid of a sweater that I was never going to wear, so the answer would be, Hoodie.

Jose: Hoodie!! I don't like sweaters.

Pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon candle?

June: Pumpkin spice.
Jose: Apple cinnamon!!

Cookies or brownies?

June: Brownies. Nice and gooey brownies!
Jose: Yeah. Brownies are my favorite too. I really like them both though.  

We tag:
Fawnabelle Baggins
Brianna Stacyn

Our questions!

Windy or rainy autumn?
Halloween or thanksgiving?
What is your favorite fall dessert?
What is your favorite color of leaves?
Turkey or ham?
Coffee or tea?
What is your best fall memory?
Candy corn or candy apple?
Football or soccer?
Spiders or rats?


  1. Yay! You're doing tags! Oh and you tagged me XD

    YES YES YES! I would totally go to New Zealand as well! And gooey brownies! (my mouth just watered haha)

    Thanks so much! I'll get to work right away! (Ew, spiders or rats?!)

  2. Thanks for doing the tag, June and Jose! I enjoyed reading your answers.
